Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chile, Part 4: Wineries and Valparaiso

A trip to Chile would not be complete without drinking some Chilean wine.  We toured an organic vineyard, Emiliana, about an hour outside of Santiago.  The wine wasn't that great, but the grounds were beautiful. AND, they had alpacas!!!

Which are cute until you see their teeth. Oy.

We also visited the coastal towns of Vina Del Mar (basically the South Beach of Chile) and Valparaiso, its sister port city.  Valparaiso is one steep city--it is built on many different hills with steep and labrynthine streets, and colorful buildings. You can ride funiculars (cable cars) up to the top of various hills for fantastic views.  Each of the hills (I think there are around 20) is a neighborhood in itself.  We visited the more touristy ones, full of cafes, hostels, inns, and shops.  From what I saw it was really cute, and I wish we had had more time to explore.  Chileans say the women of Valparaiso have the best legs in the country from all that uphill climbing. Ha.

Look at those teeth!

View of Valparaiso from the top of the funicular

Valparaiso streets (one of the less steep ones)

The largest, most delicious beef empanada in Chile!

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