After a quick view of the actual Sioux Falls the city is named after, we stopped by Mitchell, SD to see the Taj Mahal of agriculture, the Corn Palace. Established in 1892 so settlers could display the fruits of their harvest, the building is redecorated each year with 275,000 (or about 1000 bushels) of corn.
The next famous South Dakotan tourist trap we visited was Wall Drug, a block-long souvenir shop. Back in 1936 they began to offer free ice water to travelers and business began booming from there. Water is still free and coffee is only 5 cents a cup.
We spent the evening in Wall and partied with the locals at the Badlands Bar, where we played some pool, confused the wasted bartenders with our exotic orders (e.g. anything other than cheap beer), and learned some party tricks. There was also some practicing of '8s dance moves (video to be uploaded later...)
Miles covered: 340
DQ consumed: 0
Games of Solitaire: 0
Souvenirs purchased: approximately 25
Miles covered: 340
DQ consumed: 0
Games of Solitaire: 0
Souvenirs purchased: approximately 25
Jackalope sightings: no real ones, but a whole hell of a lot of fake ones
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