The itinerary includes Minnesota (actually, just the Mall of America), South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado. The plan is to see as many monuments & state parks as possible: Wall Drug, Badlands, Corn Palace, Mount Rushmore, Sturgis, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, and the story of Jamie's life in Colorado.
We're also hoping for some wildlife sightings, such as bison (Vickie has already expressed her interest in hugging a baby bison while the rest of us stay inside the running vehicle, ready to escape as soon as an adult bison charges), moose, and maybe, just maybe, a mini-donk.
Oh, and if we're REALLY lucky, we'll see one of these:

The famed jackalope.
Legend has it that the jackalope is a hybrid of the pygmy deer and killer rabbit. Jackalopes also have the uncanny ability to mimic human voices, especially to elude capture. For instance, when chased by people, it will call out phrases such as, "There he goes, over there," in order to throw pursuers off its track. Folklore has it that the best way to catch a jackalope is to lure it with whiskey, as they have a particular fondness for this drink (amen, sister). Once intoxicated, the animal becomes slower and easier to hunt.
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