Saturday, March 24, 2007

My So-Called Taiwanese Life

I have arrived safely in Taiwan! The 18-hour flight was somewhat painless, although travel halfway across the world is the biggest vortex of lost time. Where did a full day go??? When I went through immigration in Taipei, the immigration officer looked at my passport pic, then at me. Three times. Then he said something in Chinese along the lines of "You look younger in your picture."

Okay, I am not one of those people who looks fresh and lovely after an 18-hour flight with two small children. AND, that passport photo was from 8 years ago. I've lived a lot of life in the last 8 years and apparently it shows. Sheesh.

Anyways, this will be brief--the family is waiting for me to finish this post so we can hit the shopping markets. (The shopping sickness runs in the family.) Regardless, I have easily reverted to the Taiwanese lifestyle which revolves around eating, shopping and sleeping. I must admit, it isn't a bad lifestyle.

Must go shopping now...

p.s. Blogger is coming up in Chinese, except for what I'm typing, so hopefully everything will translate accordingly.

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Wainiki said...
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