Sunday, May 5, 2013

Birthday in the Woods

I decided I wanted to go away for my birthday this year.  5 and I rented a cabin in Woodstock with a fireplace and hot tub.  We also had lots and lots of Junior's strawberry shortcake cheesecake. And puzzles.

I actually enjoyed the hot tub even more than expected.  It was really nice to sit out on a cold winter day in a 98F degree hot tub looking out onto the snowy woods. So relaxing. Although we explored the town, there really wasn't that much going on so we spent most of the time working on a puzzle in front of the fire place. And doing laundry.  As city folk without laundry in the building, having a washer dryer available (free!) was a luxury and you better believe I laundered anything I could!

Although I'm never keen on getting older, it was a great way to spend the birthday.

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