Sunday, March 25, 2012

More pics from Macau

Colonial architecture
Ruins of St. Paul's. Built in the 16th century by Jesuits,
it was the largest Catholic church in Asia at the time.
Destroyed by a fire during a typhoon in 1835.
Gondola ride in the Venetian Hotel, Macau.
 Roman-themed shopping center at the Macau Fisherman's Wharf,
a complex built in the style of different world seaports.
It was a cool area, but almost all of the store fronts were empty.  
Senado Square
Incense coils at A-Ma Temple
Monte Fort.  Built by the Jesuits in the 16th century,
later served as the first residence of the governors of Macau. 
Macau was handed back to China in December 1999.
In celebration, each  province gave Macau a gift.
This is a woodcarving of the Stork Tower,
gifted by ShanXi province. 

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