I've only been to Atlantic City one other time. I was 18 and with my mom and cousin Hope. We won over $500 on the quarter slots. It was fantastic and exciting. The next morning we went back down to win more, but lady luck was not on my side: I got carded. Apparently, the legal gambling age in NJ is 21, not 18 as in MN. Woops. To make a long story short, Mom and Hope ditched me and I had to go back up to the hotel room to watch cable.
But this time, I am definitely of legal gambling age and can actually enjoy those free crappy watered down casino cocktails.
I'll come clean: I did not win this time. I lost about $85 total. Which isn't bad, and reassures me that I am not a compulsive gambler, but winning is always nice. Sonya was really the only one who came away with some extra money. Like, $250 extra. All was not lost, because when I got home, I found myself with a $250 tax refund. I am not sure why NYS is refunding me a second time, but I'm just going to go with it--so I am now up $130!
Regardless, we had a great time. We gambled, ate, strolled the boardwalk, shopped at the outlets, enjoyed a casino music act (Louie Louie!), and sunned ourselves on the beach. I like the cheesy charm of Atlantic City and the crazy variety of people who go there. The casinos can be a little overstimulating, and it's depressing to see the hard core gamblers at the tables who don't even think twice at putting down $100+ on a single bet--and losing, and the very old people with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths on the slots, but there is definitely a certain level of excitement and fun in the stinky seaside air.

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