Monday, May 25, 2009

Ooh La La, Requisite Paris Pics

I pretty much spent the whole week in Paris walking. It is such a beautiful city, and although there was a lot to see, many things were within reasonable walking distance. So I'd go from point A to point B, then point C, and what the hell, why not just walk to point D while I'm at it. This pretty much added up to walking for about 8 hours a day or more. I was (happily) exhausted by the end of each day.

My excuse for not blogging while abroad was that while our apartment was ridiculously convenient--we were 2 blocks from the Louvre in the 1st arrondisment--there were no internet cafes in the area. At the end of the day, I just didn't have the energy to walk the 10 blocks to the nearest one. So there.

The Louvre (where I dropped my poor digital camera and cracked the screen. It probably didn't help that some French kid kicked it across the room):

Musee d'Orsay, in the old train station the Gare d'Orsay. This is probably my favorite museum, housing works from 1848-1914. They had rearranged some of the galleries and a few pieces were missing, but it is an amazing collection. And the building itself is gorgeous.

Centre Pompidou, considered an eye sore by some, with its transparent façade and color coded ducts , as a kind of wrapping for the structure: blue for air, green for fluids, yellow for electricity cables and red for movement and flow. It houses the Musee National d'Art Moderne, with a collection dating from 1905 onward.

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