Friday, January 9, 2009

Return to the Motherland--with Guests

I'm heading to Taiwan again, this time accompanied by my friends H & M. They will be spending a few days with the family before journeying to Thailand and Cambodia while I will be heading down to Bali for my requisite Asian beach time.

It will be strange to be in Taiwan with guests. If you've read any of my previous Taiwan posts, I mainly just eat, shop and watch TV with my family when I'm there. Oh yes, and I get sick. (But we won't discuss that.) I don't think any of that will fly with two visitors who have never been to Taiwan before and only have 4 days to explore. Unfortunately, Taiwan isn't a mecca of tourism by any means. I think the main things that people go to are the Palace Museum and the night markets. And Taipei 101, the tallest building in the world, at least until the Burj Dubai is completed. We'll let Taiwan have some glory for a little while longer...

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