We stayed a day ahead of schedule, so we finished up in the Grand Tetons (moose sightings still at zero) and stayed in the town of Dubois, WY. Dubois is supposedly a town full of real cowboys. It is also a town that does not stay open past 9pm. The grocery store closed at 8pm, the convenience store closed at 9pm, as well as the majority of restaurants. We finally found a steak place open. It was connected to a bar, which, as soon as we entered, the music pretty much screeched to a halt. Yikes. We opted to drink in our room at the Chinook Winds motel. Card playing, dancing and shenanigans (of which I don't have pictures of, but include Jamie setting Vickie on fire) ensued.

From Wyoming we drove non-stop into Denver. We battled high winds, rain, hail, and lightning but made it to the mountain oasis that is Jamie's parents' home.

Where there were these super luxe guest baskets in each bedroom:

I have to say, I really enjoyed my time in Denver. Not only because it was the first time we got to stay in one place for more than one night, but also because Jamie's mom fed us so well. It was such a treat to eat good food again. The amount of iceberg lettuce we consumed over the last week is scary to think about. The warm, home-made muffins, fruit and other snacks were wonderful. Denver is a beautiful city and the air quality is significantly better than New York (duh). It was also nice to be shown around by locals. We went to numerous BBQs, the Denver Art Museum, Mt. Evans (of Rockie Mountains fame) and Dairy Queen. Where I actually had Blizzard envy. Who knew the Girl Scout thin mint one would be so much tastier than my usual Butterfinger???

Total miles driven: 2,456
Amount spent on gas: $400
Souvenir t-shirts purchased: 17
Iceberg lettuce consumed: at least 3 heads
Moose seen: 0
Highest elevation reached: 14,130 (Mt. Evans, Colorado Rockies)
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