1. Someone woke up from a nap in the car, we said something about the map and they responded in an accusatory tone, "WHO TOLD YOU THAT!?" um, the map did.
2. Shotgun rider reading the map westward when we were driving eastward.
3. In a casino in Deadwood, SD I walked buy a machine that said "Bill Breaker and Ticket Redemption." I read it several times and thought "Who the hell is Bill Breaker and why is his name on the machine?"
4. Asking the waitress in Laramie, WY to repeat salad dressing options after she had JUST named them off. Then asking her what soups they had and saying "Just Kidding!" afterwards. Yes, she really loved us.
5. I lost my wallet on the way from the gas station to rental car return to the shuttle bus taking us to the terminal. I never lose things. Sheer panic. (How DO you get on a plane if you have no picture ID on you? Can U.S. Customs pull up your passport information?) Luckily, the wallet had fallen out at the rental car place and I was able to retrieve it and board the plane.