Monday, September 9, 2013

Officiating in the STL

I was given the honor of officiating the wedding ceremony of two very dear friends, Jon and Xina. Vickie, Jamie and I (among others) flew out to St. Louis for a very fun Memorial weekend filled with friends, festivities, and the fear of crying during the ceremony.  I am a very sensitive sap, and in my old age I tend to cry at weddings.  ALL weddings,  even weddings I see on TV shows for people who don't exist in real life.  While I was composing my officiation speech, I outright sobbed on my couch. And then every time I read it over to practice for the big day. That did not bode well. Xina already told me I wasn't allowed to cry, be drunk, or take any sort of medication (legal or otherwise) for the ceremony. Total bridezilla, right?!

However, I am very happy to report that I kept it together and shed not one tear during the wedding.  Not even during their vows, which they wrote themselves and were very sweet. I get misty-eyed just thinking about it.

Here is the haiku I wrote for the ceremony:
     Big Bar NYC
     Love, then onto St. Louis
     Now, it is legal

And here are some highlights from that weekend:

On the Ferris wheel on City Museum's roof

Officiating! I pasted the text onto a big paper heart. 

The happy couple

After party fun

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