Friday, June 17, 2011

Daytripping: Atlantic City

There was an online deal to go to Atlantic City for the day.  For a mere $5, you got a round trip luxury bus ride to and from AC (snacks and bottled water included!), a $10 casino meal voucher, and a $5 slots card.  Not bad, I say.

The downside was the 1+ hour wait for the bus to arrive.  As well as the rescheduled return buses. We didn't get home until well after midnight. And it was a Tuesday.

It was a much chillier time than when I went 2 summers ago, but it was nice seeing the boardwalk a little emptier.  The casino buffet left something to be desired, but for $9, I couldn't really complain (free refills on soda!!!).  And although we did start winning money on the slots, it took a turn for the worse and I think we lost about $14 total.  I've wasted that much on a bad movie.

Putting the Atlantic into Atlantic City

Big money! (not)

First time on the AC boardwalk