Budapest: A Tale of Twin Cities
greetings from budapest. i apologize in advance if there are numerous typos, a lack of contractions, and minimal punctuation--i do not mean to be monotone or like i am on downers or something. the keyboard here is not for english speakers and i cannot even figure out if there is a SHIFT key. caps lock yes, shift, no. and shit, the number keys häve four options and i do not know how to work that...
so budapest was grand. i will confess that i had very high expectations and was slightly disappointed. it reminded me of munich. i was expecting something a little more exotic, less european, i guess. however, i have a soft spot in my heart for any two cities divided by a river, since, as most of you know, and those of you who do not--shame on you, i am from the Twin Cities, which is divided by the mississippi. not quite as cool as budapest though. so, let me tell you what we've done so far:
DAY 1: we arrived. whew. we just walked around near our hotel--which was conveniently located--to orient ourselves, ate some goulash. YUM. i could eat that everyday. oh wait, i did eat that everyday... crossed the bridge over the danube river to the buda side. we were staying in pest. and then, because i had some sort of messed up jet lag, i went to bed really early. like 2pm EST. i guess staying out late two nights before heading to europe is the way to beat jet lag?
DAY 2: back to buda. we were up at castle hill checking out st. matyas church and the fisherman's bastion which overlooks the danube from the cliffs above. fantastic view of pest. we also hit up the national museum. all hungarian art. not so great. after about 4 hours of walking around we went to the Gellert Hotel to soak in the thermal baths. i do not know how long these people can soak in hot water, but about 35 minutes is my limit. i no likey being pruney. some other euro tourist with WAY too much make-up on came up next to me in the baths and asked me what the point of soaking in the thermal baths was and if there was anything else to do. um, no. well, except for the fabulous co-ed swimming pool. and looking at all of the naked old ladies and getting pruney. after the relaxing soak--mom was way overheated at this point because she kept going into the sauna--we crossed back into pest and wandered around. we came across this outdoor market and the Budapest Fringe Festival. some indie girl band was playing nearby as we ate our grilled sausage and potatoes. did i mention the weather was perfect this whole time? in the 60's and sunny. so we sat outside then headed into the famous cafe gerbeaud for some coffee and dessert. yeah, not so good. i would have taken one of my cupcakes any day, but it's all about ambience, right?

DAY 3: we're so over budapest. after stopping by the grocery store for a large bag of snacks--only five bucks--we got on the train for a 7.5 hour trainride to prague. that is 7.5 hours on a train with a car full of tourists. university of indiana alumni and longhorn tours texan tourists--no offense, emily ànd nam. chatty senior citizens to boot. and my ipod battery had died at this point. i survived, thanks to my snacks.
which brings us to prague. i LOVE prague. i had low expectations, because someone once told me it was overrated. silly me for listening to someone who, ahem, has been on my blacklist for years. ha ha.
okay, in the next issue you'll get to hear all about prague. where beer is cheaper than soda. we've got two more nights here before high-tailing it to vienna and then back to budapest.
And Then There Was Prague...

we arrived in prague in the evening to exactly what i had expected prague to be like: cold, rainy and dark. but beautiful. the architecture here is AMAZING. lots of cobblestone streets too. but definitely more hustle and bustle than budapest. which is good or bad depending on what you like. on the down side, there are exponentially more tourists. yes, i am part of the problem, but i like myself more than the countless packs of 20 or so italian and german teenagers. perhaps you¨d would beg to differ. hmmm...
yesterday we crossed the vltava river (the mud of which is said to have been used by the rabbi loew to form the golem, created to protect the poor and oppressed jews until it went out of control and had to be destroyed) that divides prague via the charles bridge, which has statues of saints all along. we climbed up the steep streets to prague castle--the largest castle in europe. the facade has been renovated several times and was not at all what i had expected. i was thinking medieval castle, not modern looking structure. but the inside was not so renovated. indoor jousting hall. NEATO.

today we went to the old jewish ghetto (thx for the recommendation H and M) and the Mucha museum (great art deco graphic designer). then did some souvenir shopping and dinner at a nearby czech restaurant. eerily similar to hungarian food.
by the way, could someone explain to me why there are no stoplights in eastern europe? it¨s a bit of a pedestrian deathtrap. good thing i walk fast or i wouldn¨'t be here now emailing you all.
so we are leaving for vienna tomorrow morning. this will be our third country, as well as the third language and currency we have encountered. it really messes with the brain a little since there is only so much math i can do (another reason i was never a mathlete) and we leave once i learn about 5 words in the native tongue. but i have been to vienna previously so i am hoping it will be somewhat familiar...
Budapest, Prague, Vienna...Oh, My!
and so the eastern european tour is coming to a close, and thus, this is my final travelogue. (sniff, sniff.)
ah, vienna!
two words: cultural hangover.

i saw more museums, palaces and churches in 48 hours than i have in the past year. so much good stuff to see! and apparently i barely remembered anything from the last time i was here because some of the museums i went to looked totally different from what i had remembered them to look like before...
anyways, after two straight days of walking around looking at things, i was ready to have an art meltdown. there was also a brief moment when i was really angry at Mozart. let me explain. i was looking forward to going to the Albertina museum to see some Albrecht Dűrer drawings, and after a brief navigational struggle, i finally managed to find my way there, check my coat and bag, only to be told the permanent collection was closed until september while there was a big mozart exhibit going on. this normally wouldnt upset me quite so much if it werent for the fact that every 10 yards there is some person dressed up like mozart saying hello to me in japanese and trying to get me to buy tickets to a concert. and every store sells something with mozart on it. seriously. it is his 200th birthday this year, i believe. and really, he does deserve all of the props. i guess i was just being a hater.
a few more things of note for vienna:
the most expensive of the cities we visited. the dollar is not strong against the euro. i now know how candians feel when they come visit the states. they dont give Americans credit for things like Miracle Whip (like a Brit would think of fake mayo! hmph)